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Showing posts from November, 2010

Coupon Queen

Ok so my newest craze is couponing. My mother in law invited me to a couponing class a few weeks ago and I went. I had heard of couponing, but never looked into it to see how it worked. So, once I went to the class, I looked into it a little more. Wow, how easy it is to save money. All you have to do is go to a website and she tells you everything you need to know. She does all the work. You just have to decide what you want and where you want to go. So last night I went to store of choice. And I spent $89.00. But, I have $72 in coupons and sales!! Wow! I can get used to this. I called M and told him and then had to call someone I called Dad. Call me the Coupon Queen. I can't wait for the next sale paper and coupons to come out!!! If you want to know more about it and live near me. Im going to another class this Sunday night. Or you can go on the website yourself.  She is very detailed and helpful. I've just done this one time, but she s...

THE Wedding

Yes, It was a week ago, but blogging isn't my only chore. Last Saturday, November 6th my baby L got married. She was so beautiful! I was so honored to be apart of that day. I remember when she met J. We were all a little sceptical about it. He was a friend of a high school classmate, and it was a blind date. But they met and had a good time and it was history from there. The first time I met J, L, asked M and I to go to the Cumming Country Fair with them. M and I being country music fans were very excited to go. Because M and I started dating so long ago, he is like a big brother to L. They both bicker and protect each other like siblings. Michael kind of had a gut feeling J was going to be a good guy because he like Charlie Daniels and he knew the old country songs. After the concert we stopped my DQ, and had ice cream. For those of you that don't know, M doesn't like chocolate. Well at least that is what he says, but he will eat peanut M&M's, snickers, an...