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Mommy=Instant Bragging Rights!

Yeah, Yeah I know lovey dovey. But as C has gotten older I do not get to rock him to sleep as much. Every once in a while he will let me. Tonight was one of those nights. As I was rocking him I was thinking how much I love him, I can't come up with it! I could kiss his face one thousand times, and still want to do it more. I love that little booger!

Growing up, at church I seemed to always have a baby on my hip. I loved babies. Well, I still do. But once you become a Mom it's so different, and you don't understand that until you are a Mom. And you can't explain it to anyone who isn't.

I remember when I found out I was pregnant with C, I couldn't wait to know if he was a boy or a girl. I couldn't wait to see what he/she was going to look like. I couldn't wait to touch and hold him/her. Then when he was born, I couldn't wait to hear his voice say my name. Now, he says it a million times a day. I just love it! It has gone from 'Ma-ma', to 'Momma', to 'Mommy', to 'Mommy, Mommy, Momma, Mommy'!
I love it when he does something and know he's funny-then looks at you to see if you are going to laugh. I love it when he knows he has something he's not supposed to have and he RUNS. I love all his little words. ---The other day we were driving down the road and he saw a boat and he said 'bo' 100 times! He sees them from 1,000 miles away.
I love his sweet kisses, and his 'squeeze' hugs! I love his sweet little hands and feet. Love his baby-blues! I love the little fat rolls in his legs. I love that he loves to have his picture taken-most of the time. He loves playing 'baw' with his Daddy. They lay on the floor, on their backs and throw the ball up into the fan! He woke up today and said 'baw'! He's so funny, this morning he was about to get into the bath and he pointed to his different body parts and told me what they were, then just laughed.
I probably won't always like this, but I love his little, 'no'-it sounds like 'now'.
I love when he laughs, and covers his mouth with his hands!
As a Mommy, I instantly earn bragging rights, so I'm going to use them!
I love my sweet baby boy!! I tell him he's my favorite little boy in the whole wide world!


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