Today C is 20 months old. I can remember looking at the pregnancy test. Has it really been that long?
Here are his stats. He has not been to the doctor and got his weight checked since he was 18 months. On our scale he weights about 24lbs. He's in Pampers size 5. He runs everywhere he goes! He has 16 teeth. Two crystal blue eyes, two ears, a nose aka 'honk-honk', well you get the point. He's growing up so fast!! He's not my little baby anymore. Although, last night he let me hold him like a baby and 'bottle feed' him his milk. (he was not feeling well) So I savored those few minutes.
C has began talking quite a bit in the past month. While we were at the beach he picked up, thank you, please, and uh-oh. They sound a little more like-"ga oo", "meeze", and "oh-oh", but he knows when to use them.
He was so cute the other day, Mark handed him something and with out prompting he said, "ga-oo, Bak"...He made me so proud! Please is the harder one, and uh-oh, well we hear that all the time. He has learned how to unbuckle his car seat. He mimics what we do or say. The other day, he unbuckled his car seat and I said 'Ugh, C you can't do this!' He says...ugh! right back at me!
He can reach things off the counter now. He loves to play with keys.
Just because I'm a proud Mommy, I'm going to put all this words that he says now.
18-19 months he was saying 20-25 words
dog- he barks or says pup
more- mooo
tickle-ticky or tickle tickle
fish-ticky---like fishy
yucky-sounds like wacky
Lindsey-Yay yay--sometimes
when he hears the timer or clock chime-ding!
of course Momma and Daddy
Boo boo-or- owye
motorcycles or bike-bi
sees a train-chooochoo
sees lights-fire truck, police, tow truck, or hears a siren--whoowhhoooowhhooo
vacuum or broom-wacku
when he almost falls-whoa!
cold-burr or makes the noise with his lips
buckle-car seat or high chair-buckle or bucky
19-20 months
Thank you
nose-honk honk
when he wants to brush his teeth-teeeee!! (this happens everytime he goes into the bathrm)
Here are his stats. He has not been to the doctor and got his weight checked since he was 18 months. On our scale he weights about 24lbs. He's in Pampers size 5. He runs everywhere he goes! He has 16 teeth. Two crystal blue eyes, two ears, a nose aka 'honk-honk', well you get the point. He's growing up so fast!! He's not my little baby anymore. Although, last night he let me hold him like a baby and 'bottle feed' him his milk. (he was not feeling well) So I savored those few minutes.
C has began talking quite a bit in the past month. While we were at the beach he picked up, thank you, please, and uh-oh. They sound a little more like-"ga oo", "meeze", and "oh-oh", but he knows when to use them.
He was so cute the other day, Mark handed him something and with out prompting he said, "ga-oo, Bak"...He made me so proud! Please is the harder one, and uh-oh, well we hear that all the time. He has learned how to unbuckle his car seat. He mimics what we do or say. The other day, he unbuckled his car seat and I said 'Ugh, C you can't do this!' He says...ugh! right back at me!
He can reach things off the counter now. He loves to play with keys.
Just because I'm a proud Mommy, I'm going to put all this words that he says now.
18-19 months he was saying 20-25 words
dog- he barks or says pup
more- mooo
tickle-ticky or tickle tickle
fish-ticky---like fishy
yucky-sounds like wacky
Lindsey-Yay yay--sometimes
when he hears the timer or clock chime-ding!
of course Momma and Daddy
Boo boo-or- owye
motorcycles or bike-bi
sees a train-chooochoo
sees lights-fire truck, police, tow truck, or hears a siren--whoowhhoooowhhooo
vacuum or broom-wacku
when he almost falls-whoa!
cold-burr or makes the noise with his lips
buckle-car seat or high chair-buckle or bucky
19-20 months
Thank you
nose-honk honk
when he wants to brush his teeth-teeeee!! (this happens everytime he goes into the bathrm)
booby-booby--his Daddy taught his that one
Max-my cousin's little boy, Maaa
Mom said he said Grammy & Granddaddy, but I didn't hear it. =(
The next step is two or more word phrases. He's doing those sometimes, but not very often.
C's favorite things to do are sit on the tractor. Sit in the boat. Eat. Swing. Be outside. Swim-with his swimmies he will spin around, and lay on his back. And do 'motorboat' in the water! He loves chocolate, cookies and Popsicles. He like grapes, apples, cheese, gold fish-'ticky', pretzels, peanut butter sandwiches and pb crackers. Likes shoes-mainly flip flops. He has learned to click his tongue. He loves his family, he gets excited when we turn on the street to get to my parents house! Likes riding his bike and fire truck-inside. Drawing. Dancing. Loves being tickled. He knows fishing poles are for fishing-he says 'ticky'!!! He has learned to blow up his swimmies. He also likes to help with laundry, he will get the clothes in the basket and bring them to the laundry room. He's a little monkey and loves to climb, he will be on the kitchen table in .3 seconds.

<---Rice crispies-the box!
Max-my cousin's little boy, Maaa
Mom said he said Grammy & Granddaddy, but I didn't hear it. =(
The next step is two or more word phrases. He's doing those sometimes, but not very often.
C's favorite things to do are sit on the tractor. Sit in the boat. Eat. Swing. Be outside. Swim-with his swimmies he will spin around, and lay on his back. And do 'motorboat' in the water! He loves chocolate, cookies and Popsicles. He like grapes, apples, cheese, gold fish-'ticky', pretzels, peanut butter sandwiches and pb crackers. Likes shoes-mainly flip flops. He has learned to click his tongue. He loves his family, he gets excited when we turn on the street to get to my parents house! Likes riding his bike and fire truck-inside. Drawing. Dancing. Loves being tickled. He knows fishing poles are for fishing-he says 'ticky'!!! He has learned to blow up his swimmies. He also likes to help with laundry, he will get the clothes in the basket and bring them to the laundry room. He's a little monkey and loves to climb, he will be on the kitchen table in .3 seconds.
He does not like sitting still. Taking naps or being told 'NO'. He also has a temper, and is very hard headed. He will RUN away from you if he has something on his mind and you don't want him to do it or have what he has. He knows when I sing certain songs, that that means he has to go to sleep, they are his 'sleep songs'.
C has been such a great joy to all of us! He's so smart and really is a wonderful blessing to our family. Lindsey will call and ask when I'm coming to her house, because she wants to see C.
It's hard to believe he's almost two years old. Seems like this year has gone by faster than last year.
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