OK, so most of you know we are no longer going to our church here in Dawonville. But that's a different story for a very different day.
Anyways, the church I've been going to, I've really enjoyed. Our current series is 'Fractured Fairy Tales'. Numbers 80:7-12. He says that fairy tales are great, but they leave us thinking we should all have happy endings. That is not the way life is.
Last week was about Jacob, how he was not the one that made the bad decisions, but he was 'fractured' because of his brother's choices. God uses evil for good. Sometimes others make our fairy tale fractured. This week we talked about Moses, how he had his own idea of how he wanted things to be and he didn't obey God, therefore he fractured his fairy tale.
Life is a roller coaster, no matter how much we love God.
We do things half hearted. Shawn gives the example of his kids cleaning up their rooms. They throw the clothes in the closet instead of putting them away. They are doing it half hearted. The opposite of obedience is not disobedience, its compromise.
I am not one to do the blame game, but I will be honest, I have done it! Its easier to. Then that makes me 'right'. I've really enjoyed this series and just wanted to share how cool it has been.
'Embrace his Grace', that is what is stuck in my head. Shawn said that several times. Embrace God's love. Trust Him!
Check him out if you'd like
Anyways, the church I've been going to, I've really enjoyed. Our current series is 'Fractured Fairy Tales'. Numbers 80:7-12. He says that fairy tales are great, but they leave us thinking we should all have happy endings. That is not the way life is.
Last week was about Jacob, how he was not the one that made the bad decisions, but he was 'fractured' because of his brother's choices. God uses evil for good. Sometimes others make our fairy tale fractured. This week we talked about Moses, how he had his own idea of how he wanted things to be and he didn't obey God, therefore he fractured his fairy tale.
Life is a roller coaster, no matter how much we love God.
We tend to want to push the blame, or push it to the limits. When we go through our fractures, we want to blame God, or others. We are so kin to Adam and Eve, in Genesis, they are quick to blame for their sins! We don't want to do exactly what he wants us to do, because our way is better.
More often than not-we are the ones that fracture our fairy tales. We compromise to accommodate what we want. Verse 12 says, (my paraphrase) If we don't trust God, we are not honoring him! Moses didn't trust God, and he didn't get to go into THE PROMISE LAND!!We do things half hearted. Shawn gives the example of his kids cleaning up their rooms. They throw the clothes in the closet instead of putting them away. They are doing it half hearted. The opposite of obedience is not disobedience, its compromise.
I am not one to do the blame game, but I will be honest, I have done it! Its easier to. Then that makes me 'right'. I've really enjoyed this series and just wanted to share how cool it has been.
'Embrace his Grace', that is what is stuck in my head. Shawn said that several times. Embrace God's love. Trust Him!
Check him out if you'd like
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