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That is a question I remember Mark used to ask all the time. Why? Why? Why? We always want to know the answer.
This past Monday we went to a funeral of a friend of our family, Andrew Stephens. We went to church with the family back 100 years ago. Cara, his sister, apparently babysat me. Then when we moved back to Georgia, Mrs. Nancy, his Mom, was Mark's teacher, and Mom worked with her at PGES. Also, Lindsey and I rode the school bus with Andrew. Then come to find out, he live in Michael's neighborhood. Andrew was 25 years old and was killed in a car accident last week. Why? We ask that question when things don't go our way. Why did Andrew die at such a young age? He was a father to a young boy, a son, a brother, a friend, all the above. Why was his life taken so prematurely?
This summer, I lost my part time job. Why? I worked very part time. I was a fill in for when someone was sick, or out of town, or just when they needed me. There was a miscommunication and they let me go? Why? I have worked for them for almost 3 yrs and never gave them a reason to let me go. (As far as I know) Because I was let go, I got a 'Separation Letter', they wrote on it that I was 'insubordinate'. Why?
Before I got pregnant with Caden, Michael and I had talked about me staying home with our children. I never wanted to put my kids in daycare, I didn't want my Mom to raise my kids, I wanted to. So when I had Caden, we decided that I would stay home. Why do I feel like I'm letting Michael down by not being able to pay the bills? Why?
A few weeks ago, my Dad was asked to leave the church where we all attended. Why? I have asked myself that question 1000 times. Why, why, why?!? We knew things were not running 100% smoothly, but what church does? They all have there kinks. Why was Dad asked to leave? We haven't been here that long. We were all so involved. I was directing VBS this summer, Lindsey sang in the praise band, Mark did the videography each week, and was in the youth band. Mom lead all the Ladies Ministry activities. And Dad...well he was involved in a lot of ministries, too. So why? Why do we have to go find us another church? Why do I feel like now I've lost so many of my friends? Why? Why were we all hurt by having this happen to our family? Why did this happen to our church. Why did this mean others leaving the church, to go find another church?

We always ask, 'why'.

Col 3:15 says, And let the peace that comes from Christ rule in your hearts. For as members of one body you are called to live in peace. And always be thankful.

God grants us peace, so we know, he's in control and that is WHY things happen the way they do. And we as humans have a tough time grasping this concept all the time, but when we trust in God, he takes care of matter what.


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