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Picking It Back Up

It's been a minute. Actually it's been five years. 
I'll just say life got crazy busy adding our girl. 

So let's start with today. Today I am sitting and thinking about everything. Life. We are currently living in an apartment in Macon. A loft apartment, meaning it's real expensive. Not much more about it is fancy. We do have an elevator but that's about it. We are in the meh, middle stages of building our house. June 2018, we bought 21.55 acres in a spot in the road called Forsyth. It's just outside of McDonough (where we grew up) and Macon. We looked in lots of places, tired to decide where we wanted to raise our kids. We wanted excellent schools and wanted to in a good church. June 2019, we sold our house on April Drive in Conyers and moved to The Lofts at Bass while we built our home. We wanted to go ahead and get the big kids in school where they would be once the house was complete. They are there! 
We are hoping to be in it by Halloween. Our builder said we'd be 'trick or treating' there, here's to hoping. We have been there when we are not here at the loft. It's got our outdoor toys, and it's our little piece of heaven. We need to have our space, after all we are 5 living in a 2 bedroom place. The pool was nice over the summer. We spent everyday out there. My sanity. 

Michael is still plugging away at his business, cutting grass and all the other things he does. He has super long days. He's 'commuting' Macon to work. He still has accounts in Conyers, McD and surrounding areas. Thankfully he has been able to pick up accounts closer to be able to move his circle closer to our new home. It's hasn't been easy, but it's happening. God's got us! We just celebrated 15 years of being married. R turned 2! My sis & Michael's brother are both having baby girls in November! Yay for babies! 

The bigs are doing good in school. C is wild. He gets in trouble daily for talking. 
S is loving life. She loves her SPED teacher, Mrs Bagwell. 
R and I are living it up. We take the bigs to school and have until 3:00 to hang. 
We haven't gone to the pool yet since school started. It just messes up nap time and nap-time is my jam. We need happy babies. Babies need sleep to be happy. 
Our church just launched their third campus here in Forsyth. We bought our land in June and in October they announced that was where they were looking to put their next campus. I felt like that was a huge God wink. We didn't want to leave Momentum but we had to find a place to move. Sept 2019, we did it. We opened our third campus. It's small but it's a space to have church. We have been blow away by the turn out. 

While all these things are great. We've been richly blessed by our buying, selling, moving, etc it has been hard. Not terrible. I'm not complaining. We have a nice place to live. Its perfect for us now. But we up and left everything. School, neighbors (we loved our neighbors) and really our church. Yes we are still apart of Momentum but its a new church to us. So many new faces and places. 
I had to relearn my places. My routines were changed. The kids were funky. Michael is working 5:30-7:30 most days. We don't see our people. I miss it. I miss Ms. Patsy and Ms. Bert waving as we drive by. I miss my Kroger. I miss my CFA. I miss knowing people at the kid's school, knowing people at church. I'm so excited about where we are, but I'm lonely. We all want to be known. Right now I am known as mom, cook, housekeeper, and the lady with the 3(!) kids & a dog in a 2 bedroom.

Thank you God for providing for our every need. Thank you God for providing for my wants. Thank you for my healthy family. Thank you for our church and our school. Thank you for the opportunity to build our home, just like we want. You know my heart. I am content in a good way. I fight the urge to not be. I fight the urge to want more and find reasons to not be happy. 


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