This is my blog that I use to update my friends and family. It's to help keep everyone connected and to update those who do not live nearby. I kind of use it to get rid of stress too! So I say this to say, I have been very selective as to who I am friends with on Facebook and who I email my blog link to, this is to protect me and my family. Notice I only use our initials when I talk about us. So, I would appericate it if you are one of the ones that I let have the link to my blog that you read it for fun and not use it against me, or share it with others to judge me or my family or the way we do things and who we are. I feel like as my friend or family member I have trusted you to open up my family to you and would hope that you would not share my life with people that I don't trust. Thank you for following us and I hope you enjoy all the little updates of ThePricePress!!
This will kind of give you an idea of how I think. When I reflect on 2010, of course all the really big, or most recent things come to mind- L got married, Christmas was wonderful, we had a blast at the beach, we moved, and so on. But to really sit down and look over 2010 I just run down month by month and look at all my pictures. I wish I had a way to count all the pictures I took-it would take days!! So here is a fun recap of THEPRICEPRESS 2010 January 7th was the first snow! February 12th it snowed again! March it snowed some more!! In March we went with some friends (with $1 seats) to Atlanta Motor Speedway and got to see one of the biggest accidents of the season right in front of us...Redneck I know! March 20th M's brother got married!! April we got to celebrate Jesus's Resurrection. And my 27th birthday. May we had lots of ups and downs-M started working nights, and it really was not a fun adjustment!! And he turned 27th, too! =) June we went to the beach for sev...
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