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Two In Two Days

Two days from now you will be two years old! Over that past year you have become such a little man. You have learned so much and have really acquired a personality. At the end of November 2009, you got to meet almost all of your family on your Mommy's side. For Thanksgiving almost all of Mimi's family came into town for the weekend.
March you were in Uncle Matthew's wedding. You and Tiffany's cousin's little boy were the 'stars of the show'. Everyone was so entertained by you two. You wanted to pick up all the flowers that the flower girls dropped!
Starting out early summer you got to fish with your Daddy. Mother's Day we had a picnic at Lanier.  Later that month you got to ride on Paw Paw's boat. (which he soon there after sold =( )  You got to spend two weeks at the beach. Which you loved swimming and playing in the sand or in the water's edge. There you really started talking. You said 'bo' (boat),
'gactor' (tractor), 'bea' (beach), 'poo' (pool). I was counting your words each month-then they got to where there were so many, I forgot which ones were new!

We spent lots of days at the pool. Daddy started working night in June so we had lots of days to spend at the pool, so he could sleep. You learned to swim very well, with your swimmies, but after all you are only 15 or so months old.

July we went and spend the weekend with Big Paw Paw and (Nana) but she had not come up with a name to be called yet! We went to the lake house each day. Friday-Monday, Daddy came down on Sunday morning. We got to watch all the boats!! Labor Day weekend we went to Statesboro. We went to Tybee Island  and sat on the beach to watch for the fireworks--which you enjoyed!! Daddy interviewed at GSU, and was offered the job but turned it down because it was not a good paying job and it was still a night job.
Nana is the name Daddy's Mom came up for you to call her. We started out with Daddy's Dad being Grandpa, Mommy's Dad being Granddaddy, and Mommy's Mom being Grammy, but you changed all that. Both Dad's are Paw Paw and Grammy became MiMi.
At the end of July, Mommy and C went with Mimi and Paw Paw to Tybee Island. We spent one day on the beach. You some how got in the front seat when we were all getting things together and flipped the headlights on. So after being on the beach all day. We had to wait for Paw Paw to find someone with cables, then someone to jump us off---not fun!! But while we were on the beach you and Paw Paw feed the had such a fun time doing that!! You called them and threw food that them! While we were there in Savannah, we ate at Uncle Bubba's, you had Key Lime Pie, and LOVED it! And you loved the corn muffins, too!
September 20th, you got your first cousin! Madison was born!! You were there at the hospital until way past your bedtime waiting for her to come, but she didn't so we went home and she came very early in the morning the next day. Then we went to see her. You were so proud and wanted to hug and kiss all over her!
October we moved to our new house!!! We found out we needed to move and the next week we packed up the house and moved the next week! Whoa!
For Halloween you are going to be a frog--as you call a 'rog'. We have already gone to a fall festival and you loved wearing your costume! And everyone said you were so cute! On October 31st we are having your 2nd birthday at your Paw Paw and Nay-Nay's (Nana) house. We have invited about 30 friends and family to come celebrate with us! We are doing a tractor/farm theme. You love, love, love tractors. Where ever we go you see tractors before anyone else sees them. They range from farm tractors, to lawn mowers, to construction bulldozers, and anything in between! You know most of the farm animals too. Pig-you snort, Rooster-doodle doo, Cow-boo, Goat-toat, Sheep-baa. And in a week, Aunt Lindsey (Yay-Yay) married Joey (Yo-Yo). And you will be in that wedding too!
You are in a size 18 months- 2T...just depending. You are tall and skinny so just what ever fits! You are losing those cute little fat rolls in your legs, because you are getting to tall! Your eyes are the bluest I have ever seen...and people tell you that where ever we go!
You love ice cream, chocolate, you are a big meat eater, you love fruit, gold fish--aka tickies. You love juice (ju), milk(bilk), and water(wager).  You have kept me on my toes. You get into soo much! You love to clean, with broom, vacuum, mop, wipes, etc. You love to give kisses. And you love your family!!!! You say Hi baby every little person you see. And Hi Dawg, every dog you see! You love boats. You know what the fishing sections is in any store. You love to 'fish' with your fishing pole. (meaning you play, by casting your pole and reeling it in.)
I and your family are so proud of you. You use your manners very well and are such a joy to us all!!! Our sweet Jesus has blessed us with a very sweet little man!!! And I can not wait to watch you grow and learn!!!!
I love you!!!


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