Well it's been forever since I've posted something. We've been busy, and when we are not busy, we are resting. That's my excuse! =) Caden just turned 18 months on the 1st. At his 12 month check up they told us that the "terrible two" are beginning and to watch out! Terrible two? No, not my sweet Caden. He's too sweet and laid back for that. And besides, I thought they started when they were two, not on their way to two. OK, so within the last month or two, Caden has begun to have these "meltdowns". They can happen anytime, day or night. Sleepy, or well rested. At home or in public. With family, or with people at church! It's just when he doesn't get his way. (But mainly when he wants to be outside.) Today we went outside for just a few minutes to get some fresh air, and let him play. By the way he LOVES outside. So I keep him on the front porch so he can stay out of the sun, and so I don't have to chase him all over Dahlonega-because,...
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