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Showing posts from May, 2010

Many More to Come

One more for today and I'll give it a break. Today marks a big day for me and Michael. No, it's not our wedding anniversary. But it is an anniversary for us. Today, twelve years ago, Michael asked me to go out with him. Yes, go out with him. We were in ninth grade. I was very shy. He was not. Well, except when it came down time to talk to a girl he had a crush on. I remember it was a Sunday night at church he wrote me a note and gave it to me. Like all high school girls, I ran straight to the girls bathroom, Ha! There I read the note...which I still have some where. It said something along the lines of "Do you like me?" Check "yes" or "no". Not really. But it was very short and to the point. "Do you like me?", "I like you." So I pretended I hadn't read it and just said bye like normal. I remember going home that night and Sandy Seidling was there at our house, and I told her, or maybe Lindsey's big mouth told everyone? S...

Man Duties

Growing up, in our house of three girls for most of my younger years, there were things "the girls" did and things Dad did. *Note:Mark was born when I was 12, almost 13* Us girls did the cooking, or at least helped. We did the dishes, cleaned the house, did the laundry, went grocery shopping. Dad mowed the grass, trimmed the bushes, took out the trash and worked. Although, this is how I perceived it as a child, I carried that over into my adult life. Call me crazy but I like to clean-most of the time. I like to go grocery shopping and I, for the most part, enjoy cooking. Dishes on the other hand~I must have helped Mom cook most of the time and let Linds do the dishes...because I don't like to do dishes. Now, I'm not real sure how things worked at the Price's house while Mr. Michael was growing up. But when you blend his ideas and mine...they don't seem to work out the way I planned. I clean the toilets, I do the dishes, I do the laundry,I take out the trash-9...

I Told You So!!

This past Thursday was Michael's birthday and next Sunday is my Dada's birthday. Also, today my cousin's little boy got baptized. I tell you all of this to tell you that Last night my Mom's side of the family all got together for fun and while we were there we also were celebrating these three things. I decided to try something new. I wanted to make a homemade cookie cake. So I bought the dough-not usually how I like to make cookies but oh, well. And I looked up on the Internet how to make one. Michael does not like chocolate so I wanted to make him a sugar cookie one. Friday night I started experimenting and had some trouble, the cookie was either too raw, or over cooked. After making three, I called it a night and was going to try again in the morning. So I did. Saturday morning I got up and tried one more time. Nope, again I couldn't get it right. So I decided to go buy more dough and go to Mom's to see if she had any expert advice. I tried again, this time b...

I Guess I Just Need a Little Sympathy!

Recognize Any of These Names?? Most women (or people) would not recognize names like, Skeet Reece, KVD, Mike Iaconelli-had to look up that spelling! Let me name some more...Bill Dance, Hank Parker, Alton Jones. Anyone out there know these people? These are just a few that I can think of right now. These people are like family, we talk about them so much! Let me introduce you to my life. My husband loves to fish. When I say loves to fish, that does not really explain the passion he has for this hobby. Let me try to explain it. Obsess –verb, to think about something unceasingly or persistently; dwell obsessively upon something. There we go. Michael is obsessed with fishing. He thinks about it constantly. He watches it on television anytime he can get his hands on the remote. He talks about it, like I really want to hear about it. "Bo" is Caden's new word! AKA, boat. I have a feeling, it won't be long before I have two children obsessed with fishing. The flip side to tha...

Three Wide In Turn Four

Yes, I married a redneck, so sometimes I think like one. While this has nothing to do with racing, this is the best I could come up with. Before I got pregnant with Caden, I remember hearing people talk about their kids sleeping in bed with them, and thinking---Heck, NO! There is no way. I have a hard enough time sleeping with my six foot tall husband in my bed, there is no way I would consider adding someone else. So, when I had Caden I stuck to that. We didn't do "co-sleeping". His room was attached to our room, so we let him sleep in his crib from day two, at home. The first night I was a little leary, so Mom helped me a bunch! And he did so well. He'd sleep from about 9:30pm until about 3:30am, I'd nurse him, and he'd go right back to sleep, in his bed. Then he's wake back up around 5:30am or 6:00am, when Michael was getting ready for work. Then he would snuggle up with me in my bed and go back to sleep until 8:00am or 9:00am. Pretty good for a newborn...

What can I say?

Caden amazes me everyday. I don't like to say it but he's so stinkn' smart. I don't like to hear parents say, "Listen to what, ______, did, he's/she's so smart." But....Listen to what Caden can do and has been for several months now! I can ask him where his ears, hair, eyes, nose, teeth, tongue, belly, hands, fingers, feet, belly button, and toes are and he can tell me. I think it's just the cutest thing ever! much as I try to hide it, I think he's the smartest kid his age. And after spell checking this, I know where he did not get his smarts! Ha ha!


Ok, so I'm going to make up for lost time. Caden said "Dada", and "Mama" when he was about six months old. Then there was a big gap between when he said his next few words. Well, "Bak" didn't come much later, aka Mark. In March he really started saying things, well the first part of the word. He learned Pup-pup, boat, bird, bath, duck, ball, boo-boo, bye-bye, book, and MO! (and more that I can't think of) It's so fun to see how he picks up on things. He understands sooo much of what I say to him. He has learned that when he wants MO, whether it be milk, food, candy, whatever it is. All he has to say is MO! and he gets more! How quickly he learned that! He's just so darn cute! Here are a few fun pics, just for fun!


Well it's been forever since I've posted something. We've been busy, and when we are not busy, we are resting. That's my excuse! =) Caden just turned 18 months on the 1st. At his 12 month check up they told us that the "terrible two" are beginning and to watch out! Terrible two? No, not my sweet Caden. He's too sweet and laid back for that. And besides, I thought they started when they were two, not on their way to two. OK, so within the last month or two, Caden has begun to have these "meltdowns". They can happen anytime, day or night. Sleepy, or well rested. At home or in public. With family, or with people at church! It's just when he doesn't get his way. (But mainly when he wants to be outside.) Today we went outside for just a few minutes to get some fresh air, and let him play. By the way he LOVES outside. So I keep him on the front porch so he can stay out of the sun, and so I don't have to chase him all over Dahlonega-because,...