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Three Wide In Turn Four

Yes, I married a redneck, so sometimes I think like one. While this has nothing to do with racing, this is the best I could come up with.
Before I got pregnant with Caden, I remember hearing people talk about their kids sleeping in bed with them, and thinking---Heck, NO! There is no way. I have a hard enough time sleeping with my six foot tall husband in my bed, there is no way I would consider adding someone else.

So, when I had Caden I stuck to that. We didn't do "co-sleeping". His room was attached to our room, so we let him sleep in his crib from day two, at home. The first night I was a little leary, so Mom helped me a bunch! And he did so well. He'd sleep from about 9:30pm until about 3:30am, I'd nurse him, and he'd go right back to sleep, in his bed. Then he's wake back up around 5:30am or 6:00am, when Michael was getting ready for work. Then he would snuggle up with me in my bed and go back to sleep until 8:00am or 9:00am. Pretty good for a newborn! That was our schedule for the first several months of his life. Then he changed it up a little bit, but not too much.

When Caden turned 1, we moved into our own house. He has his own room, across the hall from us. He adjusted very quickly and was sleeping in his bed, just like before. As of late, he curls up with me on the couch and goes to sleep, I put him in his bed. He sleeps for about 2 hrs, max, and then he wakes up. I go in and comfort him back to sleep, rock him, sing to him, whatever need be. He will go back to sleep, but when I go to lay him in bed, he cries and arches his back and will not let me lay him down in his bed. So, after doing this for about a week or so, I tried putting him in our bed, letting him fall back asleep, and then....I fall asleep. Before I know it, it's 6:30am. Why try to put him in his bed? We only have a couple more hours. By the way, if you have never tried to fight a child to sleep, it's very, very exhausting physically and mentally. So after about 6 days. I said, we could give this a break for a few days and try again. Besides, I love to cuddle with my sweet baby, while I can!!

Now it's been four months! Caden falls asleep in our bed and wakes up in our bed. Sometimes, he will be asleep before we go to bed, so I put him in his bed and then he wakes up a few hours later and is in our bed.

Now, Michael is just as hard to battle as Caden. Michael doesn't not and has never liked to hear Caden cry. It's not an annoying thing, it's just, he doesn't like to hear him cry. Sooooo, I would fight Caden tooth and nail, but Michael doesn't want to hear him cry, so he says just put him in our bed! sleep for Momma, and no sleep for Daddy, makes for a bad day!

The moral of this story is: Never, say never! You can say, all those things about parents and how they do things, but just wait!!!!


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