One more for today and I'll give it a break.
Today marks a big day for me and Michael. No, it's not our wedding anniversary. But it is an anniversary for us. Today, twelve years ago, Michael asked me to go out with him. Yes, go out with him.
We were in ninth grade. I was very shy. He was not. Well, except when it came down time to talk to a girl he had a crush on. I remember it was a Sunday night at church he wrote me a note and gave it to me. Like all high school girls, I ran straight to the girls bathroom, Ha! There I read the note...which I still have some where. It said something along the lines of "Do you like me?" Check "yes" or "no". Not really. But it was very short and to the point. "Do you like me?", "I like you." So I pretended I hadn't read it and just said bye like normal.
I remember going home that night and Sandy Seidling was there at our house, and I told her, or maybe Lindsey's big mouth told everyone? She was so happy for me. I was confused because, she didn't know him. But, I guess she was happy for me to get a boyfriend? Who knows? By the way, Michael and I went to two different high schools, but we went to the same church.
I forget a lot of the timeline of how all this played out, but a couple of days prior to this, Michael had a birthday party at his house. During that party, for some reason everyone decided to go roll a yard. When we were coming back the homeowner came driving up. So...we got caught, and Michael was put on phone restriction for a week or so. Communication was a little hard but we managed. I think he wrote me notes everyday and then gave me a handful of notes at church! We didn't have texting, or cell phones!!
I was always told, Good girls, don't call boys. So, I made one of my friends call Michael on three way. Ha! Hey, I didn't do it. So she did most of the talking for us and by the end of the conversation we were officially "going out". I know you old folk don't understand that lingo. "Where are you going? You're only 15." Going out means, (well, it meant) you were exclusive boyfriend and girlfriend.
I won't say things have been 100% perfect, from that day. But we learn more about each other everyday and I can't wait to grow old with him!
Today marks a big day for me and Michael. No, it's not our wedding anniversary. But it is an anniversary for us. Today, twelve years ago, Michael asked me to go out with him. Yes, go out with him.
We were in ninth grade. I was very shy. He was not. Well, except when it came down time to talk to a girl he had a crush on. I remember it was a Sunday night at church he wrote me a note and gave it to me. Like all high school girls, I ran straight to the girls bathroom, Ha! There I read the note...which I still have some where. It said something along the lines of "Do you like me?" Check "yes" or "no". Not really. But it was very short and to the point. "Do you like me?", "I like you." So I pretended I hadn't read it and just said bye like normal.
I remember going home that night and Sandy Seidling was there at our house, and I told her, or maybe Lindsey's big mouth told everyone? She was so happy for me. I was confused because, she didn't know him. But, I guess she was happy for me to get a boyfriend? Who knows? By the way, Michael and I went to two different high schools, but we went to the same church.
I forget a lot of the timeline of how all this played out, but a couple of days prior to this, Michael had a birthday party at his house. During that party, for some reason everyone decided to go roll a yard. When we were coming back the homeowner came driving up. So...we got caught, and Michael was put on phone restriction for a week or so. Communication was a little hard but we managed. I think he wrote me notes everyday and then gave me a handful of notes at church! We didn't have texting, or cell phones!!
I was always told, Good girls, don't call boys. So, I made one of my friends call Michael on three way. Ha! Hey, I didn't do it. So she did most of the talking for us and by the end of the conversation we were officially "going out". I know you old folk don't understand that lingo. "Where are you going? You're only 15." Going out means, (well, it meant) you were exclusive boyfriend and girlfriend.
I won't say things have been 100% perfect, from that day. But we learn more about each other everyday and I can't wait to grow old with him!

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