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Ok, so I'm going to make up for lost time.

Caden said "Dada", and "Mama" when he was about six months old. Then there was a big gap between when he said his next few words. Well, "Bak" didn't come much later, aka Mark.

In March he really started saying things, well the first part of the word. He learned Pup-pup, boat, bird, bath, duck, ball, boo-boo, bye-bye, book, and MO! (and more that I can't think of)

It's so fun to see how he picks up on things. He understands sooo much of what I say to him. He has learned that when he wants MO, whether it be milk, food, candy, whatever it is. All he has to say is MO! and he gets more! How quickly he learned that!

He's just so darn cute! Here are a few fun pics, just for fun!


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